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  1. Plot

  1. Plot: the storyline or organization of incidents within a story is called the plot. It consists of episodes and conflict. Plots usually have rising and falling action, a climax, and a denouement.

  2. Protagonist: the main character of a story.

  3. Antagonist: the major character or force that opposes the protagonist: may be persons, things, conventions of society, or traits of his own character.

  4. Conflict: a struggle between opposing character or forces, usually the protagonist and someone or something eles.

  5. The three main conflicts are:

    1. Conflict between a character and his environment: the main character in conflict with some external fored such as physical nature, society, or fate.

    2. Conflict within a character: the character experiences a conflict in emotion or thought.
    3. Conflict between two characters: this struggle may be physical, emotional, or psychological.

  6. Methods of maintaining suspense:

    1. foreshadowing: this device gives a hint of what is to happen later in the story. Foreshadowing prepares the reader for the climax, the resolution, and for changes or lack of changes in character attitude.

    2. mystery: something unusual happens that needs explaining.

    3. dilemma: a character must choose between two equally undesirable courses of action.

  7. Types of endings:
    1. happy: the protagonist's problems are resolved>
    2. unhappy: the protagonist's problems remain unresolve>
    3. surprise: the outcome of the story is the opposite of logical expectation>
    4. indeterminate: no definite conclusion is arrived at.
  8. Other relevant terms:
    1. setting: time and place>
    2. plot manipulation: the author fives the story a turn unjustified by the characters or events of the story.
    3. mood:the predominating atmosphere or here.
    4. chance: the occurrence of an event for no apparent cause.
    5. artistic unity: the selection of only relevant details and the arrngement of these details in an dffentive, logical order.
    6. coincidence: the chance occurrenec of two events that have a highly unusual and unlikly correspondence.


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