Twenty-five years' teaching and departmentaladministration experience:
Five years teaching senior high English courses to adults, ESL graduates and high school students seekingaccelerated credit.
Fourteen years at the senior high (grades 10 to 12) level in Alberta and British Columbia (including two years' developing senior high school curriculum whileteaching),
Four years teaching at the junior high level in Alberta and British Columbia, and One year teaching
writing at both the junior and senior levels.

Master of Arts degree from the University of Alberta,May, 1978. My goal in this course of study was to
broaden my research skills and to deepen my knowledgeof my subject.
Professional Teaching Diploma after Degree (P.D.A.D.)
from the University of Alberta, June, 1971.
My purpose
was to obtain the highest level of teacherqualification available in Alberta.
Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of
Alberta, May 1967.
Major in English with a minor inphilosophy.CERTIFICATES HELD
permanent Professional Certificate #4450-73,awarded July 17, 1973
British Columbia permanent Professional Certificate#108883, awarded Nov. 2, 1990
Pathfinder Learning Systems Instructor Certificate,1996EXPERIENCE RECORD
September 1995 to present Main Street Education Centre
4th floor, 333 Terminal Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.
- Teach academic English 11 and 12 to young adultsaspiring to post-secondary education.
- Appointed Instructor-in-Charge in September, 1995, and Head of English in May, 1996until Sept. 1998).
- Responsibilities include: administrative
- responsibility for institution in evenings, quality of
English instruction, provision of learning materials.
- Developed and team-taught interdisciplinary units of
study combining English, art and information
technology courses for academic and internationalstudents.
- September 1994 to September 1995Collingwood Independent SchoolMorven Drive
West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1W3?Granted part-time employment to pursue interests in
curriculum development developed during sabbatical year; established and ran
a writing centre to meet remedial and enrichment needs
of students and staff.
Established sales relationshipwith Pathfinder.
- September 1993 to September 1994Collingwood Independent School
- On paid sabbatical leave from teaching as per school
policy of granting such leavesafter seven years; I explored alternate ways of
delivering curriculum, including Pathfinder LearningSystems software.
- September 1988 to September 1993Collingwood Independent School
- Head of English, responsible for grades 1-12, withemphasis on grades 8-12;
developed international literature curriculum at
grades 11-12. Established interdisciplinary units of
study (with art and history); developed and initiated
studies in mythology and the Bible in literature.
- Responsible for all English teachers and academic
performance of students.
- Results of student performance on Provincial exams
consistently exceeded public school results and
equalled or exceeded private school performance.
- Appointed marker for grade 12 provincial exams (2sessions in 1988).
- Established ongoing relationship with VancouverWriters' Festival to provide
student volunteers for Festival and ensure student
interaction with authors through visits by authors toCollingwood School.
- September 1986 to June 1988 Collingwood Independent
School Morven Drive West Vancouver, B.C.V7V 1W3
?Taught English to oldest students in school (grades
6-10) during second to fourth years of Collingwood'sexistence.
- September 1973 to June 1980Salisbury Composite High School
County of Strathcona School BoardSherwood Park, Alberta
Taught English, grades 10-12; taught mythology andBible as literature, both of
which courses I developed. Taught successfully all
English courses offered in Alberta at the secondarylevel.
- September 1971 to 1973
Haythorne School County of StrathconaSherwood Park, Alberta
?Taught English, grades 7-9, as well as language
arts, grades 8-9. I taught successfully all English
courses on Alberta's curriculum at the junior highschool level.

My Master's degree
- 'Dark Necessity' and 'Impalpable Now:' a Study of the
Relationship between the Past and the Present in
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Writings," 1978.
Reading directed at exploring the context of
literature (mythology, religion, literary criticism,
English curriculum development), coaching children in
a variety of sports, (including golf, ringette and
skiing), symphony, golf and skiing.
- Governor, Collingwood School, 1997-2000.
- Director, Canada Trust Friends of the EnvironmentTrust, 1992-1995.
- Business associate, Pathfinder Learning Systems,1994-1996.
- Governor, Gatehouse Montessori School, 1986-1987.
- Vice-chair, Howe Sound School Board, 1983 - 1985.
- Chair, Education Committee, H. S. School Board, 1983- 1985.
- Member, Howe Sound School Board, 1982-1985.
- Member, Whistler Advisory Planning Commission,1982-1985.
- Member, Whistler Advisory Parks Commission,1982-1985.
- President, Mallett Enterprises, operating as TheLearning Bridge.
Copyright © (2000)Bob
Mallet. All Right Reserved
~~~~~~Created by Sam Wong~~~~~~