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Twenty-five years' teaching and departmentaladministration experience:

Five years teaching senior high English courses to adults, ESL graduates and high school students seekingaccelerated credit.
Fourteen years at the senior high (grades 10 to 12) level in Alberta and British Columbia (including two years' developing senior high school curriculum whileteaching), Four years teaching at the junior high level in Alberta and British Columbia, and One year teaching writing at both the junior and senior levels.

Master of Arts degree from the University of Alberta,May, 1978. My goal in this course of study was to broaden my research skills and to deepen my knowledgeof my subject.
Professional Teaching Diploma after Degree (P.D.A.D.) from the University of Alberta, June, 1971.
My purpose was to obtain the highest level of teacherqualification available in Alberta.

Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Alberta, May 1967.

Major in English with a minor inphilosophy.CERTIFICATES HELD Alberta:

permanent Professional Certificate #4450-73,awarded July 17, 1973
British Columbia permanent Professional Certificate#108883, awarded Nov. 2, 1990
Pathfinder Learning Systems Instructor Certificate,1996EXPERIENCE RECORD
September 1995 to present Main Street Education Centre
4th floor, 333 Terminal Avenue
Vancouver, B.C.